
Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously. This statement explains how we manage your personal information when you use our services or visit our website.

What information do we collect?

Depending on how you interact with us and the products we offer, we may collect the following types of data:

  • Contact details, such as name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Transaction data, including credit/debit card numbers, payment method, and purchase history.
  • Communications between you and us, including emails.
  • Anonymized digital information like browser data, web traffic, booking history, social media behavior, and user patterns.
  • Health data, including information about allergies, illnesses, or disabilities.

How do we collect your information?

  • Direct Communication: Most of the information is provided directly by you when you interact with us.
  • Through Our Partners: We may obtain data from our partners when you book trips through their platforms.
  • Electronic Methods: We collect data from our website and digital platforms using tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads, which use cookies to gather anonymized data.

Why do we use your data?

We process your personal data for the following reasons:

  • Trip Design & Booking: To design trips, process and confirm your bookings, and assess health considerations during activities.
  • Ensuring a Successful Trip: To fulfill our contract with you, provide necessary information, and ensure your trip is enjoyable and comfortable.
  • Research & Development: Anonymized data assists us in enhancing our services, website, products, and understanding.
  • Marketing: We may utilize anonymized data to tailor online advertising and improve communication with relevant customers.

Who do we share your data with?

We only share essential information with:

  • Partners: To optimize the trip, necessary information may be shared with partners aiding in booking and organizing.
  • Our Staff: Essential data is shared with our staff to guarantee a successful trip.
  • Third-party Software: We employ reliable software vendors to help organize trips, such as booking systems, payment platforms, and emails.

How long do we store your information?

We retain your data only as long as required to fulfill the purpose of collection.

  • Activity Booking & Successful Trip: From the booking date up to 4 months after the trip's conclusion.
  • Re-booking: We might store data longer if you wish to keep your details for the next trip and have given consent.
  • Legal Requirements: We retain all data mandated by Norwegian law, like accounting regulations.
  • Complaints/Claims: We may also keep data for three years post-trip completion if necessary for handling potential complaints or claims.

Cookies and Analysis

Our website employs cookies to remember preferences and information about your visit. Analyzing anonymized data helps us improve the website over time.

Your Rights

You hold the right to access, modify, or delete your data. Feel free to reach out if you have queries or need further details:

Rampen AS
8014 Bodø
Organization Number: 928 047 466
+47 99 23 43 94

Thank you for choosing Rampen as your travel partner!